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Tips to have a Safe Holi

Holi is a festival of vibrant colors which is related to singing, dancing, mischief, drenching in colors and the best time to savour bhang and gujiyas.

The aftermath can sometimes be unpleasant with some people suffering from digestion related issues, skin rashes and allergies.

This year play a safe Holi by keeping in mind some quick tips to follow before you step out to celebrate this festival.

  • Avoid eating out as the chances of stomach infections are high.
  • Hygienically prepared beverages can be taken but outside preparations like thandai, sharbat , bhang etc should be avoided. Drink in moderation and avoid mixing it with alcohol.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking water before and after the festivities to get rid of the excess toxins.
  • Home-made sweets are best to consume as sweets available in the market are prepared few days in advance and are usually stale on the main day of celebration.
  • Herbal colors are better options than the synthetic ones. You can use turmeric, marigold flowers, mehndi, and dried rose petals to make colors at home.
  • Wear full-sleeves or high neck t-shirt or kurta during the festivities.
  • Oil your skin and hair with mustard or coconut oil 10-15min before stepping out to play holi.
  • Avoid using harsh soaps and shampoos to get rid of the color. They can dry the skin and the scalp.
  • Protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses before venturing outdoors. Later rinse your eyes with cold water.
  • Rejuvenate your skin later in the evening by making homemade packs of gram flour, curd and malai.

One Reply to “Tips to have a Safe Holi”

  1. This is a very helpful and insightful article Your ability to explain complex topics in a simple and clear manner is impressive

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