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Health Tips for Mothers

It is well said that “God could not be everywhere and therefore he made Mothers”. To a child, mother is everything. She is a strong shoulder with gentle hands.

This Mothers Day, we encourage moms to make their health priority and to take simple steps to live a healthier life. Mothers around the world risk their health and neglect their body issues. Celebrate your motherhood by following these health care tips to keep yourself fit and healthy.

  • Early morning: 1 Glasses Of Water +1 Tsp Black Til Powder (Bone health)+ 30 ML Aloe Vera juice (Digestion).
  • 8:00am: Cup of Green Tea (Antioxidant) + 1-2 Marie Biscuit.
  • Breakfast: 1-2 Stuffed Chapatti or Vegetable Sandwich or Poha or Vegetable Dalai or Vegetable Oats with Glass of Milk.
  • 11:00am-12:00pm: Fruits (Pre- Biotic) or Vegetable Smoothie (any seasonal veg prebiotic and skin health).
  • 2:00pm: 1- 2 Wheat Chapatti+ 1k Curd (probiotic) +Vegetable + Salad.
  • 4:00pm: Glass of Milk.
  • 6pm – Fruits or Pumpkin seed (hair health) or Makhana.
  • Dinner 7:30 – 8:00 pm : 1-2 Wheat Chapatti + 1k Dal or Paneer or Soya Nuggets or Chicken + Vegetable + Salad.

Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals. They reduce the risk of chronic diseases. So from now stop skipping your meals due to busy schedule and be a healthy mother. Healthy Mother = Healthy Family.

One Reply to “Health Tips for Mothers”

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